Microbial water testing with our mobile kit
Managing microbial water quality is an on-going job. We’ve created an end to end patent-pending solution that allows you to detect microbial and disinfection levels, store and report on findings, all in one platform.

Mobile Lab
ExactBlue brings water testing into the smartphone era. Our state of the art kit that pairs wirelessly via bluetooth with a smartphone. The kit is portable and be easily stored almost anywhere. You can use ExactBlue to test multiple samples at the point of use, and through the water distribution infrastructure in any facility, without a trip to the lab.
Easy to use software
ExactBlue has created software that’s super easy to use. We’ve made the process simple – just follow the step-by-step instructions on the app. Thanks to our contamination detection algorithms, it only takes minutes to get your test results.

Our Technology
Our nanoparticles attach directly to target microbial surfaces to create a reaction even at extremely low concentration levels. We not only tell you if your water is contaminated but are able to quanitfy the range so you can determine the best treatment route. Our technology leapfrogs what’s available in the market today and brings lab-like accuracy to the field.
Our solution detects common bacteria such as E.coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, species of Shigella, Enterobacter. In addition, AquaVial can also detect fungi such as Trichopyton and Microsporum, known to cause Athlete’s food disease and nail infections, as well as Candida albicans.
We can quantify bacteria and fungi at CDC prescribed limits, and this is particularly useful in understanding if low concentrations of harmful bacteria are present in any given sample of water. Our high sensitivity and accuracy, combined with a quick response time and a data platform, all without a trip to the lab, makes this technology ideal for in the field user for a number of industries and applications.
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